Sacrificial Servant - Mark Chapter 14

Day 17 – Mark Chapter 14

Promise: For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless. – Proverbs 2:6-7

The Lord offers many benefits for those who belong to him. These verses name wisdom, knowledge and understanding, success and that he is a shield. These verses seem to note benefits that are challenging to wait for expectantly; we tend to want them in the moment of need, even impatiently. How can that impatience be overcome?

Read Chapter 14.

Verse 3 says that Jesus was reclining at the table of Simon the Leper. It seems that Jesus did not give Simon a new name, as he did for others. What does this name remind us of each time we read it? What benefit(s) could the reminder of Simon’s past offer?

It is at this dinner at the home of Simon the Leper that Jesus is anointed. Describe how this is an act of worship.

Jesus illustrates the sovereignty of God a number of times in verses 12-31. List at least three ways that Jesus shows he knows what will happen.

Jesus speaks of his body and the blood of the covenant in verses 22-25. What is this covenant that he refers to?

The disciples and Jesus then go to the Garden of Gethsemane. Following the address of intimacy, ‘Abba, Father’, Jesus prays. Which part of his prayer is an example of:




Define betrayal in your own words. At what verse(s) is Jesus betrayed?

Before the Sanhedrin, Jesus is condemned. Who speaks the words which finally condemn him? What do these words say about Jesus’ identity?

The last line of the chapter is ‘And he broke down and wept.’ Based on this verse, what can we understand about Peter’s feelings? How is this an example for us?

Application: We often hear of a waste of talent, time, money, strength, or life. The anointing of Jesus at the beginning of the chapter is even described as a waste: the woman has given up her most valued possession and her future security. Jesus emphasizes that nothing is wasted in giving it to him, making him the priority. How have you demonstrated Christ’s priority in your own life?

mark 14-36b yet not what i will, but what you will, Abba

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