Christian Households, Col. 3:18-4:18
Relationships have both benefits and rewards when the Lord is the third strand in it.

Set your heart, mind, and body on things above, Col. 3:1-17
It is only through the life of Christ in us that we manage to set our hearts and minds and bodies on things above. In his power, we can and do choose the Christlike way that we are called to walk.

Complete in Christ - Colossians 2:8-23
Paul says that we need not be distracted or deceived by such things because we are complete in Christ, who is the fullness of God. Colossians 2

Preaching Christ like the Colossians
In some way, it seems we can preach Christ with our lives. While we live Christ, our lives teach or preach who we believe in. The challenge is to ensure our preaching is consistently Christ.

Spiritual Growth Like the Colossians
Paul explains to the Colossians what spiritual maturity looks like in four aspects. Colossians 1:1-14