A Year of Seeking Peace - 2020
May the peace we have sought this year reign in our hearts forever.

Merry Christmas 2020
May God bless you and your family, filling your lives with joy and peace!

Immanuel, God with Us: Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6
The essence of the Son was before and continues today and the Spirit is the continuing representation of God to us. God is still with us, Immanuel.

God directs our hearts: Matthew 2:19-23
Joseph demonstrates what our lives can be like when we surrender our fear to God, when we surrender the threats and what ifs, when we trust that He will be with us and never leave us or forsake us.

God Directs the Heart of Joseph: Matthew 2:13-15
Is that not the greatest gift we can give the next generation? The gift of the confidence that all is in God’s hands and that we must submit and obey, in every situation, we turn to God and his peace will envelop us (Philippians 4:6-7).

God Speaks to the Magi again: Matthew 2:9-12
We are not very different from the Magi in these things. Yet we are so very different in that we have been given the Spirit to live within us. Immanuel was born in their time, but Immanuel is borne in our hearts.

God Speaks to the Heart of the Magi: Matthew 2:1-8
The Magi were men who knew the scripture and searched the skies for God. Those who seek God do find him, as the often heard saying goes, ‘Wise men still seek Him.’

God Speaks to the Heart of Anna: Luke 2:36-38
Anna’s choices brought her to recognize the voice of God and to live fully in Him, that is the experience I want to cultivate.

God Speaks to the Heart of Simeon: Luke 2:25-35
Simeon says that ‘the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed, (verse 35)’ and it begins with his. I suspect, in his shoes, I may have grown weary waiting and become bitter in it. Simeon doesn’t seem to though.

God Speaks to the Heart of the Shepherds: Luke 2:8-20
Just as the shepherds were full of joy at hearing and carrying out God’s desires, we too can find joy in hearing and carrying out God’s desires not only in this season, but every day.

God Speaks to the Heart of Joseph: Matthew 1:18-25
I have heard it said that Joseph is a minor character in the whole story of Jesus. But I find that off-base. Joseph was every bit as intentionally chosen as Mary was.

God Speaks to the Heart of Mary: Luke 1:26-38
Releasing the power of Christ in us will be the reward for those of us who trust and surrender to God like Mary did, no matter the outrageousness of the situation.

God Speaks to the Heart of Zechariah: Luke 1:5-25
Zechariah opens our Christmas story with a doubtful example of peace and trust in God. He was ‘gripped with fear’ (Luke 1:12) when the messenger of God arrived. How often are we also gripped with fear at a word from God?