Why Christ Came: to reconcile us to God
Jesus came to reconcile us to God.
Why did Jesus come?
Our separation from God occurred when Adam and Eve disobeyed in the Garden of Eden. We were no longer in full communion with God from that point on. The sin that entered our world at time has continued to keep us from full intimacy with God. Adam and Eve and all of us since then have been unable to repair that brokenness, we are incapable of reuniting with our creator on our own. Instead, he chose to repair that break. He sent his son, Jesus. Hebrews 2:17 says ‘For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.’ Jesus came to atone for our sins which opens the door to our reconciliation. There is part of this that we must do to complete the reconciliation, we must accept the atoning sacrifice of Jesus as our own. When we recognize our own broken part of that relationship and accept Jesus’s sacrifice, our reconciliation to God is complete. It fills the holes and empty spaces of our lives and our hearts. It makes us part of the growing family of God; we are made brother and sister in that act of reconciliation.
He came to reconcile us to God through his own atoning sacrifice; that’s why Christ came.
He fills the empty spaces of our hearts.png