Why Christ Came: to be light
He came to be light.
Why did Jesus come?
There is an incredible amount of darkness in this world of ours; this place that we are in, but we are not of. I think the greatest difference before Christ and after is this light. Light that is truth, that is good, that is knowledge, that is forever, unending. In John 12:46, Jesus says ‘I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.’ He lights the way to the Father, as in the verse just before, John 12:45; he reveals the Father and sends the Spirit. He shines light on the Trinity for us. He is light: knowledge and hope and peace, all that we associate with light. That is who He is and why he came, to share all of that with us.
As I read this again, I see that it says not stay in darkness. I am certain that we have been in darkness, I am certain that we will again find ourselves in darkness. Maybe you are in the darkness of depression, loneliness, feeling worthless, guilty, useless? We need not remain there. He is the answer; He is the light to lead us from the dark places in our lives. He is with us; I am not alone. He values us; I have worth. He cleanses us; I am forgiven. He gives us purpose and meaning; I am valued. He is the light of our lives. I always associate the lights on my Christmas tree with His light having come into the world. It is a great reminder this time of year.
He came to be light; that’s why Jesus came.
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